Monday 20 January 2014

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Tips to Maintain and grow Long Hair

All Long Hair Girls and all those girls too who want to be a Long Hair Girl. We are starting a post regarding How to maintain and grow Long Hair.
 So here is the first Tip:

1.  The First Main thing for Long Beautiful Hairs is don't ever cut your hair too much just do a trimming. The More you cut your hair lesser it will grow.
 And Now the picture from the lady who gave this tip:

And also don't forget to comment and give your tips too. Then we will add it on our blog.
 Any suggestions mail us on

Friday 10 January 2014

Hey All Real Long Hair is a one stop for all LONG HAIR LOVER where they can find the true BEAUTY of Indian Girls .
 You can enjoy the Long Hairs view of a Various Girls having Knee Length Hair or beyond that with a Eye Catching Stuff.
 So lets begin this series with some Pictures of  A Lady having Knee Length Hair loves to grow more and loves to Shoot.
 She will add her own STORY & EXPERIENCES for how she grew such a long hair, how she maintain and  Tips for all but After getting response from All of YOU VIEWERS.

                                                 IN A HUGE BUN:

If any suggestion and question mail us

 If any suggestion and question mail us

 If any suggestion and question mail us

This is just a glimpse of what we are trying & working to show. The more we get the response the more we update with Pictures, Videos and Care Routine.

If any suggestion and question mail us